Faceit levels

You think that your level of play is higher than in regular matchmaking, and your opponents are no longer surprising as before? Then this article is for you!

A large number of modern competitive CS:GO platforms offer you an opportunity to play with players who are really interested in development. FACEIT is the most popular of these platforms. Here you can find real like-minded people who like esports and who want to develop in it.

FACEIT. What is it and how to start playing?

FACEIT is a gaming platform that provides the ability to create competitive CS:GO games outside of Valve's established matchmaking system. This platform supports its own league system, and also supports a large number of games, including CS:GO. Let's try together to figure out what FACEIT offers to the average player.

On FACEIT you can:

  • Play random games (5x5 matchmaking format);
  • Participate in tournaments (1x1, 2x2, 5x5);
  • Raise your level of play and get into one of the professional leagues - FPL Challenger or FPL
  • Earn local currency, for which you can buy skins in a special store.
  • Get to know players from all over the world, make friends, improve your communication skills.

What do you need to start playing on FACEIT?

One of the most important features of the platform is the ability to use it for free - you don't have to pay subscription fees to play. However, the ability to use additional features in the form of a premium account gives you benefits that will make your game even more interesting.

In order to start playing on FACEIT, you need to go through several steps:

  1. Go to the platform website - faceit.com
  2. Click on the 'Register' button in the upper right corner of the page:
FACEIT Main Page
  1. Enter your email address or log in with Facebook (which will transmit your data to the system).
  2. Fill out the additional data form (nickname and some personal data):
Creating an account on FACEIT
  1. Choose one of the games supported by the platform. In our case - CS:GO (this section can be configured later):
Games supported by FACEIT
  1. Connect your Steam account after selecting a game from the list.
  2. Complete registration and download FACEIT Anticheat. Third-party anti-cheat provides a much more advanced security system and helps players to fully enjoy the game without cheaters.

To download the anti-cheat, click on the "Anti-Cheat Client" button in the lower left corner or follow the link - //www.faceit.com/en/anti-cheat

Anti-cheat in disabled

If the anti-cheat is already running, just click on the corresponding 'Run' button in the window that appears:

Enabling anti-cheat system

After the anti-cheat is launched, the system will change the shield icon to green:

To play a regular 5x5 game on FACEIT, click on the ‘Play’ icon on the left side of the page in the ‘CS: GO 5v5’ field (CS:GO 5v5 PREMIUM - for premium account holders):

Click on the PLAY button to find the game

There are three game modes available here: Alone, In a group and In a team. Choose the appropriate one and go to play.

After the game is found, you will hear a beep and see a button confirming the game:

Match is ready

After accepting the game, you will be taken to the match lobby, where the captains can choose a map. Then you just need to connect to the server through the console or click on the 'Connect' button and do it automatically.

Increase your rank, win rate, and KDA in CS:GO

Sign up at Scope.gg, analyze your matches, learn mistakes, fix them and win more.

Start now

Levels, leagues and the ELO system on the platform

In order to divide the players according to the level of play and make the selection by the opponent as balanced as possible, the platform uses a certain system. This system divides users into levels depending on the level of their playing skills.

FACEIT highlights 10 levels of players. And the ELO points system determines the number of conditional points for each of them.

The ELO scoring system is a platform mechanism that uses conditional points for winning or losing a match and determining the level of a player.

You can go from one level only by winning matches and farming ELO points. Such a transparent system allows the player to track his progress on the platform at any time.

When registering on FACEIT, the player receives level 3 and 1000 ELO points. Several games await him, which can change the level of points up to +300. Such games are called gauge games. Each subsequent game will equal on average 25-30 ELO points. The number of points may vary depending on the balance between the teams. If the players with the lower average number of ELOs in the team win, they will receive more points, and the players will lose that number of points. This system is close to a matchmaking system but has some differencies. Read more about CS:GO Matchmaking system here ->

All FACEIT levels:

Increase your rank, win rate, and KDA in CS:GO

Sign up at Scope.gg, analyze your matches, learn mistakes, fix them and win more.

Start now

• 10 level (over 2000 ELO) - you have the right to apply for participation in the Master League
• 9 level (1851-2000 ELO)
• 8 level (1701 - 1850 ELO)
• 7 level (1551 - 1700 ELO)
• 6 level 1401 - 1550 ELO)
• 5 level (1251 - 1400 ELO)
• 4 level (1101 - 1250 ELO)
• 3 level (951 - 1100 ELO) - the level that the player receives when registering on the platform.
• 2 level (801 - 950 ELO)
• 1 level (1 - 800 ELO)

Remember that at each level you may come across players of completely different levels, who, for one reason or another, cannot move to the next level. For example, a person with 3000 hours in the game can meet at both 3 and 10 levels.

Don't forget to analyze your in-game mistakes to get another level even faster. Check your performance on SCOPE.GG!

CS:GO Player statistics Dashboard

Check a brief statistics of your game in CS:GO - clutches, retakes, performance on different maps, grenade performance and common mistakes


A piece of advice for you!

For even more comfortable games on FACEIT, play with friends or as a player of the whole team. This will help you navigate the FACEIT level ladder more efficiently.

What can help you to improve faster?

We have created a couple of things that helps you feel more confident in your FACEIT matches:

  • Prematch analytics - the ultimate tool which helps you gain knowledge about how your enemies play before the match starts. A lot of players don`t change their playstyle from game to game - you can see their weaknesses and utilise it.

Prematch analytics by SCOPE.GG: win a match before it starts. Guide by SCOPE.GG

We talk about prematch analytics from SCOPE.GG: learn more about opponents on FACEIT - possible positions, agression, timings, weapons of opponents in a new guide by SCOPE.GG

Learning Center CS:GO by scope.ggslydeR

  • Grenade predictor - with this tool you can check any grenade without alttabbing your game. All you have to do is to set your game client up for our feature. That`s it: if you need to remember how to throw any nade, you can do it as fast as possible without FPS drops.

How to watch any grenade line-ups during a match in CS:GO? Guide by SCOPE.GG

How to have any grenade line-ups during a match in CS:GO? Use the Steam browser to 100% and beat your opponent with useful flashes, smokes, frag grenades or molotovs!

Learning Center CS:GO by scope.ggSCOPE.GG

10 level FACEIT. What's next?

After reaching 2000 ELO points, you have the opportunity to break through to the professional level of the game. However, here you will need the status of a premium account.

Leagues on FACEIT

Having taken the top 100 in the Master League at the end of the season, you have the right to participate in the qualifiers for the semi-professional league of players - Faceit Pro League Challenger. The top five in this qualification will receive the coveted slot in the league!

In the FPL-C, $ 3,000 is raffled off every month, and the main prize is a pass to the professional eSports league - Faceit Pro League. This is the league in which most of the strongest professional players in the world play.

FACEIT Premium Account

Premium account is the status of a player's account with a paid subscription to additional services from FACEIT. These services can be: access to premium matchmaking, additional options for matchmaking, the priority right to the role of captain, etc. The difference in the availability of these options determines the level of paid subscription.

There are two levels of subscription:

The subscription on FACEIT

Any of the statuses of the premium account will allow you to get into the first professional league - Master and move further up the ladder to the coveted slot in the FPL!

Disadvantages and advantages of FACEIT

It should be understood that the FACEIT competitive platform has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to highlight some of them.

Advantages of FACEIT:

  • 128 tickrate on servers (compared to 64 tickrate on Valve servers in matchmaking). This means that the exchange of data between the server and the client is 2 times faster, which improves the quality of the game on both • sides;
  • The best anti-cheat of all existing platforms in CS: GO;
  • The maximum number of interested players (this item significantly increases the level of the game and development opportunities);
  • Chance to start an esports career after advancing in leagues;
  • The ability to earn real and in-game currency (points can be exchanged for items from the game or devices in the FACEIT store).
  • Quite logical and well-developed game selection system.

Disadvantages of FACEIT:

  • Limitation of rights for free accounts;
  • The presence of cheaters (unfortunately, even a perfect system cannot avoid the possibility of being hacked)
  • Complex selection system for the FPL (many worthy players have been trying to get there for several years)

The FACEIT platform is a great way for a player to go all the way from an amateur to a true professional in the world of competitive CS:GO and get a boost to start an esports career. The current trend proves that a huge number of eminent players (ropz, etc.) received their recognition precisely after recruits were able to notice their progress on the platform.

Train, join the leagues and improve your skill level. The higher you can advance, the higher your chance of breaking into real esports.

Is faceit level 10 good?

Level 10 is the equivalent of LEM in 2021, psychologically it means nothing to everyone, reaches at least above 2500 elo and stops.

What Elo is faceit Level 3?

These ratings are mapped to levels [3], 1 being the lowest level (below 801 Elo) and 10 being the highest level (above 2000 Elo). A new player has a rating of 1000 which equates to starting from level 3.

How many players are level 10 on faceit?

FACEIT Rank Table.

How many levels are in faceit?

FACEIT highlights 10 levels of players. And the ELO points system determines the number of conditional points for each of them.

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