What is the ability to use the senses together with body parts




Coordination is a skill-related component of physical fitness that relates to the ability to use the senses, such as sight and hearing, together with body parts in performing motor tasks smoothly and accurately.

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6 May 2020

Step 2: Incorporate skill-related fitness components

Written by:
Tommy Yau
Head of Fitness Education, True Group

Now that you have read part 1 (“Step 1: Understand the components of Health-related fitness” ) of our 2-parter, let’s proceed to learn how what skills you need for holistic physical fitness.

Skill-related Physical Fitness

While crucial to individuals aiming to excel in sports/games, many components of skill-related physical fitness are relevant to everyone as the benefits extend to everyday living and functional movement.  It only has an indirect connection with health but it is assumed that people who possess skill-related fitness are more likely to engage in regular activity and thus have enhanced health-related fitness and a lower risk of disease.  

Whilst you can improve your base level of skill-related physical fitness, know that there may be a limit to how much you can excel in them as many skill-related fitness components are likely determined by heredity. 

  1. Agility
    Agility is the ability to rapidly change the position of the entire body in space with speed and accuracy. Being agile helps you be quick and nimble and increase your mind-body connection. Agility training also helps prevent injury as your body is trained to maintain proper posture and alignment when you move.

    Typically measured using a shuttle or zigzag run, agility tests commonly feature in screening tests for sports teams.

  2. Balance
    Have you ever had to stand on one leg or on a small stool?  Balance helps your body maintain equilibrium while stationary or moving. 

    Generally considered to be of two types - static and dynamic – balance is typically measured using a balance beam or tests that require holding a stationary posture after changing body positions.

  3. Coordination
    Coordination is the ability to use the senses, such as sight and hearing, together with body parts in performing motor tasks smoothly and accurately. This is important in every aspect of daily activity, from riding a bike to cooking and work. 

    There are many different types of coordination and coordination tests include hand-eye or foot-eye coordination activities such as juggling, dribbling a ball or hitting an object.

  4. Power
    A combination of strength and speed, power is the rate at which one can perform work. It has also been defined as the ability to exert muscle force quickly, which is why some experts consider it to be a combination of skill and health-related physical fitness. 

    There are many different types of power and power tests. Examples of power tests include shot-putting and vertical jumping.

  5. Speed
    We are all familiar with what speed is – it is the ability to perform a movement within a short period of time e.g. running speed, swimming speed, speed of hand or foot movement. 

    Among athletes, a 40-meter dash is often used to measure speed. There are a wide variety of laboratory measures of speed that are highly specific to different body parts and different human movement activities.

  6. Reaction Time
    Reaction time relates to the time elapsed between stimulation and the beginning of the reaction to it, e.g. moving your foot from the accelerator to the brake pedal in an emergency to stop a car. 

    Like other measures of skill-related fitness, there are many different types of reaction time and many different tests available. Like speed, reaction time is considered to be a component of fitness that is greatly influenced by heredity.

So there you have it, a brief and concise round-up of the main health and skill-based components of physical fitness. Whilst there is so much more to each component if you delve into science behind them, we hope this article has given you a head start in crafting an appropriate training plan for yourself.  

To re-cap, start with your goal in mind e.g. is it to lose body fat, improve sport performance or to keep your body in top shape as you grow older. Next, incorporate the health-related components into your plan before moving on to the skill-related components.  Lastly, always ensure that you are working out in a safe and effective way.

Be consistent and never give up! 

[Updated: 13 May 2020]

Which of the following is the ability to use the senses with the body parts to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately?

Coordination: The ability to use your senses and different parts of your body to perform motor tasks accurately and smoothly.

Is the ability to use the senses together with body parts during movement * 1 point?

What is coordination? The ability to use the senses together with body parts during movement. The ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is standing still or moving.

What is the ability to move the body parts swiftly while applying the maximum force of the muscles?

Power - the ability to move the body parts swiftly while applying the maximum force of the muscles.


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